Thursday 17 October 2013

Fonts, Mastheads and Titles Mood Board (Film and Print)

Similar to the Shot Design mood board create one based on the fonts that you would like to include in yor magazine article or film. If doing film brief you may also want to include example titles from other films.

Shot Design Mood Board (Film and Print)

You need to complete and upload the Shot Design mood board that was started in lesson, add some notes with the post or annotate the mood board within Photoshop.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Similar Products (Film and Print)

You upload a post which investigates and highlights similar products to your own. For example if doing a print-based brief this will be examples of subject matter, photography, layout, fonts, etc and if doing film you may have film clips, music, film synopsis, etc.

Coursework Brief Decision

You should have a post stipulating your coursework brief and the reasons behind your decision to
choose a particular brief.

Monday 7 October 2013

Knights A2 Media Blog

The purpose of this blog is to guide students so that you have an idea of what you should be uploading onto your blogs and when. The suggested posts are exactly that, a suggestion, and each week you are expected to add numerous additional posts to what the blog stipulates in order to be getting the grade that will enable you to progress next year.